A. G. Adeeth Cariappa

Research Resources

1. Data sources

Sl. No Data Source Link
1. Wholesale and retail prices of essential commodities Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, GoI and RPS, DES Link1 Link2
2. Consumer Price Index Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation , GoI Link
3. Wholesale Price Index Ministry OF Commerce & Industry, GoI Link
4. Prices and arrivals in wholesale markets AGMARKNET Link
5. Producer and Consumer Support Estimates OECD Link
6. Temperature and Rainfall Climate Change Knowledge Portal, World Bank Group Link
7. Banking, Budget, GDP, Exchange rate, Key rates, etc Database on Indian Economy, RBI Link
8. Land Use, Crop production, Area under production, Cost of Cultivation, Farm Harvest Prices, Agricultural Wages, MSP Directorate of Economics and Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI Link 1 Link 2
9. Income, output, input and productivity of 183 countries from 1950 Penn World Table Link
10. Emmissions, Trade, Inputs, Investments, etc FAOSTAT Link
11. World Development Indicators World Bank Link
12. Export and Import Ministry OF Commerce & Industry, GoI Link APEDA
13. NSSO surveys Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation , GoI and ICSSR Register and Download at National Data Archive and ICSSR
14. Health and Nutrition The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program Register and Download at Link
15. District Level Database for Agriculture ICRISAT-TCI Link
16. Village Dynamics in South Asia ICRISAT Link
17. Historical data - Statistical Abstracts from 1840 Digital South Asia Library, University of Chicago Link
18. COVID-19 cases, deaths, RT-PCR tests, vaccination, etc COVID-19 India API Link
19. Global Food Prices (72 countries, 1500 markets since 2003) World Food Programme Link
20. Drought Monitoring Portal VEDAS, SAC, ISRO, Government of India Link
21. Milk production, availability, livestock population, share in GDP, etc NDDB Link
22. Migration - Interstate, Intrastate, Child, etc and Migration corridors India Migration Now Link
23. Night Lights (1994-2013), Consumption, Forest cover, roads, etc The Socioeconomic High-resolution Rural-Urban Geographic Platform for India (SHRUG) Link
24. Multi-topic (Consumption, agriculture, subsidies, health, etc) panel survey of 41,554 households in 1503 villages The India Human Development Survey (IHDS) Link
25. Global Trade UNComtrade Database Link
26. District and block level weather prediction IMD Link
27. Agricultural Census and Input Survey (1970-71 to 2015-16) MoA&FW, GoI Link
28. India Working in Numbers - Employment and Unemployment, earnings and productivity, COVID-19 livelihood survey, Quality of work, social identitites, etc Centre for Sustainable Employment, Azim Premji University Link
29. Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) - Data on Agricultural R&D, no. of researchers per lakh of farmers, etc ASTI IFPRI Link
30. Global Animal Disease Information System (Empres-i) FAO Link
31. World Inequality Database - historical evolution of the world distribution of income and wealth, both within countries and between countries The World Inequality Lab and Database Link
32. Energy subsidies, energy access and fire incidences in Punjab Council on energy, environment and water (CEEW) Link
33. Replication data and codes of published studies and surveys (mostly RCTs) Harvard Dataverse Link
34. Datasets on election results, political parties, questions & answers asked in the parliament, ministers, bureaucrats,etc Trivedi Centre for Political Data Link
35. Number of SHGs and its members under NRLM Ministry of Rural Development Link
36. Area and Production Statistics of Agricultural and Horticultural crops MoA&FW, GoI Link
37. Annual and Quarterly Estimates of GDP, State Domestic Product and other aggregates MoS&PI, GoI Link
38. Published Indian government data from surveys to administrative data (all sectors - with maps) NITI Aayog Link
39. Poverty, pollution, climate change, land, fertilizer and water use, etc. (all sectors - with maps) Our World in Data Link
40. Database of national legislation, policies and bilateral agreements on food, agriculture and natural resources management FAOLEX Link
41. Commodity prices (Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Palm oil, Soyabean, Banana, Orange, Beef, Meat, Sugar, Fertilizer and more) World Bank Link
42. India Drought Monitor - real-time drought condition and forecast IIT Gandhinagar Link
43. National Food Security Mission - progress of sowings, minutes of the meetings, presentations, maps, evaluations etc. MoA&FW Link
44. Indian maps and shape files (state, district, taluk and village boundaries) Survey of India, MoS&T Link
45. Centralized hub for near real time information on crop production, market trends, pricing, and other vital agricultural data Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg) Link
46. Livestock emission data at regional level GLEAM dashboard - FAO Link
47. Climate Projections for Indian Districts (2021-2040) Azim Premji University Link

2. Literature reviews

  1. Annual Reviews
  2. VoxDevLit
  3. 3ie Systematic Reviews

3. Search engines for literature review

  1. Google Scholar
  2. REPEC
  3. AgEcon
  4. publons
  5. SSRN
  6. ScienceDirect
  7. Wiley Online Library
  8. Oxford Academic
  9. Taylor & Francis Online
  10. SAGE Journals
  11. Emerald Insight
  12. Cornell University Library
  13. PubMed
  14. Nature
  15. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
  16. JPAL RCT Database

4. Teaching and learning resources for impact evaluation (mostly RCT)

Sl. No Source Details
1 J-PAL Research and Teaching Resources on almost everything on RCT (from pre-analysis plans, ethics, planning to analysis)
2 Running Randomized Evaluations by Rachel Glennerster and Kudzai Takavarasha Lecture notes, case studies, data and exercises
3 World Bank Blogs One-Stop Shop for Methodology (RCT, PSM, DID, Synthetic control, Power calculation, Analysis, STATA codes, etc.)
4 Handbook of Economic Field Experiments Sections on History and Methodology of RCT, Understanding Preferences and Preference Change, The Challenge of Improving Human Capital and Designing Effective Social Programs
5 Impact Evaluation in Practice - Second Edition Book on impact evaluation covering RCTs, IV, RDD, DID, Matching and more
6 Difference-in-Difference (DiD) dedicated website by Asjad Naqvi Literature, videos, R & STATA packages, STATA codes and updates on DiD
7 Causal Inference: The Mixtape by Scott Cunningham Book covering topics like DAGs, Potential Outcomes model, Matching, RDD, IV, Panel data, DID, Synthetic Control and statistical codes
8 The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality by Nick Huntington-Klein Book with topics like research design, causal diagrams, front and back door criterions, treatment effects, regression, matching, fixed effects, simulation, DID, RDD, IV and event studies

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